Friday, October 1, 2010

And You Thought She Couldn't Get Any Prettier...



Still a beautiful little girl!!!

Silly Pekah - Part 2!

I guess I am just gonna have to have a running blog on this title, because Pekah keeps doing funny things. Those who have a dog or cat know that they usually like to find the "sun spot" in your house.  Pekah is no exception.  As the day goes on I usually know where she is depending on what time it is and where the sun is!  She has a sun spot in most of the rooms in our house that she frequents most every day.  Her favorite spot is in the kitchen.  Every morning I wake up and pull open the blinds and she sits/lays in front of the sliding glass door for hours with the sun on her back, especially since I am typically around where she can see me.  Well, the past few mornings for some reason I am not opening them up fast enough.  If Pekah could talk, I'm sure this is what she would be saying...

 Maybe if I just stand here long enough mom will notice.....

 Um........ Hello........ ?

FINE THEN.  Since mom won't open them, I guess I will do it myself..

   Finally! Thank you mom, that's more like it!