Friday, March 19, 2010

I always feel like somebody's watching me!

Kind of creepy now that I see it!  Aunt Jocie took a picture of Savannah a few years back at our annual 4th of July picnic and her eyes were just SOOOO green and gorgeous.  Every time I see the picture (I have it as one of my rotating desktop backgrounds), I start to think of my family's eyes and how beautiful they all are.  So I decided to do a little project. I looked through our past pictures to see if I could get a few good eye shots. Then I cut them together and walah! I even added Pekah and Digi into the mix. Can you tell whose eyes are whose? (Hint: Darin's are the squinty ones.)


  1. I think the only ones that make it look creepy is Pekah's and Digi's. lol Spencers little baby browns... so cute. =)
