Thursday, January 28, 2010

Where to Begin?

So I have been reading my sisters and cousins blogs now for over a year and personally never thought I would do this.  Why?  I don't know, to much time to set it up and keep it up to date, I guess.  But the other night Darin asked how he could set one up for him to write movie reviews, just for the heck of it.  So I told him that we could look into it and ...whallah.... we both have one now!   Let's hope that I can keep mine up to date.    I guess this will be like a journal and a scrapbook all in one so it will force me to take more pictures of my kids and keep a journal at the same time. 

For those of you who know us already, Darin and I were set up on a blind date in June of 1998 by our dear friends Carrie and Chas.  We were married 2 years later April 29, 2000.   Darin loves movies and music, especially soundtracks and especially soundtracks by Hans Zimmer!  He loves being at home with the kids and I.  I am busy cleaning, cooking and watching the kids.  I breed sugar gliders like my sister Rebecca.  But I don't know how much longer I will be doing that.  I enjoy just being with my family doing whatever

 Our first "babies" were our 2 dogs.  Pekah and Digi.  Pekah is a yorkie mix and Digi is a maltese.  Darin likes to put them in boxes or any other strange place where he can get a reaction out of them.  Pekah is usually up for it, but poor Digi always thinks he has been punished!  Pekah loves everyone and knows that everyone loves her.  She does a few tricks (for treats only) and is very stubborn.  Digi is very mellow and sensitive.   He is also my little protector.  He growls at Darin if Darin comes towards me too fast or if Darin kisses me on the couch!  He's even nipped at Darin on occasion!

We also have 3 kids.  

Tanner is 8 years old and loves Transformers, computers, the Wii, school and being with his friends.  He also loves to meet new people.  Tanner's first word was "Hi" and he would say it to EVERYONE.  I am a quiet, low-key person, so walking through a grocery store having him say "Hi" to everyone was a little too much for me to handle!   We were also impressed with his ability to spot airplanes and helicopters in the sky before we even had the chance to hear them coming or flying overhead! His Grandma Paulsen (Darin's mom) loves him to pieces but especially loves his "tender, caring heart" (this is how she describes his personality). 

He adores his little brother and sister and enjoys their company.  Tanner was baptized last month by his dad and already enjoys going to scout activities.

Savannah is 5, going on 20!  She is our mischievous little angel.   She loves princesses, Barbies and anything "girlie."   She loves to be with her older brother and do everything that he does.  She also is a big help with her baby brother.  She loves to go to preschool and talk about all her friends there.  She is also outgoing, but very shy at first.  Savannah is very tall for her age.  Everyone thinks she is at least 6 or 7 until they hear her talk.  Her first sentence was "I'm hunky," which translated as, "I'm hungry."  She loves to eat everything and anything, mostly sweets but she is a good healthy eater as well.  Savannah watches The Food Network with me and is very  interested in cooking.  She helps me out a lot in the kitchen.  And sometimes wants to cook really strange concoctions like Banana  Bread.... Her directions: mush up a banana with salt, pepper, peanut butter and pickles and then spread it on bread.

Spencer is 8 months, and a Momma's Boy.  He is so much fun to have in our family.  Darin and I sometimes wonder if he hears and understands our conversations.  If we mention he's being good, he instantly changes and has a crying fit.  If we say he is eating really well or sleeping through the night, he decides he no longer wants to do that.  Tanner and Savannah both really love to have him around and they both are very protective of him.

When he was born he had a full head of hair plus 2 inches length.  It was black also, but has lightened up to dark brown.  Everyone loves his hair and has to comment and touch it, which is fine (not complaining at all). The picture up above is of his 3rd hair cut at 7 months.  It grows so fast, just a month latter I already need to cut it again.  He has the most amazing, wonderful dimples when he smiles! He is crawling, pulls himself up to a standing position, and finally had his first tooth just last week (though it's been there under his gums for weeks now).

Well, that's our family.  We so look forward to updating you throughout the days and weeks (and years) to come with family stories and photos.  We are now officially bloggers!


  1. Yay! Welcome to the blogging world. I love the little quotes from the kids... "I'm hunky" hahahaha What a hoot. =) I'm adding you to my list!

  2. Yay. I"m excited to read more about you guys. I miss so much of everyones lives cause I'm so far away. But this helps me catch up! Time to go to bed though and read The Work and The Glory part 3

  3. CUTE CUTE CUTE!! I love the set up....And you guys! =)

  4. I'm so excited you have a blog!! I knew you would give in sooner or later =)

  5. Holy smokes, I still remember when I'd see Tanner on occasion and he was little, then Savannah when she was a baby, it's crazy that they're so much older! I'm also glad to hear that your dogs are still around. I don't think they're too old, but also didn't expect your kids to be older. I guess I just feel like I don't get older so no one else should.
