Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Our Little Piggy Bank

You've heard us say it before, but here it comes again: We are awful, horrible parents. Make excuses for us all you want - "Oh, I'd make the same mistake too," "It's not your fault, it sounded like a cold to me," "Nobody could've seen that one coming," whatever - but it doesn't change the fact that our little ten-month-old had a penny stuck in his throat for at least two months and we knew absolutely nothing about it.

We'll say this for Spencer: he sure is a trooper. Imagine living your life with something cutting off your airway, making it hard to swallow your food, let alone breathe. The worst part is, the little guy must've gotten used to the feeling as a necessary part of his everyday life, and he dealt with it as best he could. (In retrospect, despite the general orneriness and night terrors, he probably dealt with it better than anyone. If only he'd been able to say something useful, like, I don't know, "Mommy, Daddy... choke choke... I think I've got a little problem here...")

Wish we could show you the x-ray of that dark circular object lodged in Spencer's tiny esophagus, but that'll have to come at another time. Instead, here's a photo record (of sorts) that we took during his harrowing two-day adventure from piggy bank to copper-free tyke.

This is 4:30 in the morning. He's strapped in and ready to take that loooooooooooong ride up to Primary Children's Hospital. Note the red, sleepy eyes. Looked just like his Mom and Dad.

Spencer in his hospital gown in the waiting room, approximately 7:30 (still a.m.; the drive up wasn't that long). Elisabeth wishes we'd gotten a better picture of him in full hospital regalia, but the nurse ushered us out too soon for us to remember to do so at the time. (Trust us, he was really, really cute.)

Spencer after the operation (does an endoscope really count as an operation?), approximately 8:30. The nurses called Elisabeth into the post-op room shortly after Spencer woke up from being sedated. Boy, was he ever glad to see his mommy! So happy, in fact, he wouldn't let daddy even attempt to cheer him up. For the entire day.

Another post-op picture, a little later. Still clingy, still trying to gnaw that bandage off his little thumb.

This is the TV they let us watch. Note how it's almost laid flat against the ceiling, which hurt our necks worse than sitting in the front row of a crowded movie theater. (We realize the TV is there for the patient more than anyone else, but still. Do chiropractors get hospital referrals?)

Spencer on the way home, approximately 11:30. Yes, it DOES look an awful lot like his "trip-to" photo, with backgrounds added during a hectic post-production schedule. He's strapped in and ready to take that loooooooooooong ride back to Springville after removing all the loose change from his body. Also note the red, sleepy eyes. Still looked just like his Mom and Dad.

The next morning, around 8 a.m. at home. As Daddy laid on the floor in front of the TV to play with him, Spencer rested his head on the pillow and fell asleep just like this. (Apparently, Daddy isn't all that bad after all.) You tell us which picture looks faked, the one above or the one below?

Gotcha. He's actually asleep in both. One picture's just a lot cuter than the other. Either way, it's good seeing our baby boy in such good spirits. Here's hoping he gets a real piggy bank sometime in the near future. Over and out.


  1. Poor kid---we are so glad he is okay!

    Maybe he is just really frugal and he wanted to make sure he didn't spend it =)

  2. So cute!! I love that eyes and all! =) Glad it's all over with!

  3. Poor baby. So happy it was the "easy" procedure to get him feeling better!
