Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Savannah Graduates from Preschool!

I am so excited and sad all at the same time.  My baby girl graduated from preschool and will now be going to kindergarten!  She has learned a lot from Mrs. Susan's 2 years of preschool but she is looking forward to going to the same school that Tanner goes to, especially to play on the playground.  She had a graduation picnic at the park a few days ago.  And then the next day had her graduation program.   

Look at how tall she is compared to everyone else in her class!  When we registered her for kindergarten the lady asked me if I was sure she wasn't already in kindergarten or 1st grade.  As the mom I sure hope I know if my daughter was in school yet or not!

Mrs. Susan is a short woman and was kneeling with all the other kids to take a picture.  But when Savannah's turn came she decided it would be better to stand since Savannah was taller then she was on her knees.

Spencer also had fun at the park with Savannah and her class.  He wasn't sure what to think of the wood chips.  I think it was worse then grass for him!  And he finally enjoyed a swing.

Congratulations, Savannah!!


  1. Yay Savannah! Only 13 more years of school till you graduate for REAL! Cracks me up that they have grad caps and tassles too. =)

  2. booo hooo hooo hooo =( I'm such a BAD MOM!!!

