Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cousin Sleepover

So a while back Tanner and Garrett came up with a plan (probably mostly Tanner) to get MariAnn and I to let them sleep over at each others houses.  MariAnn and I thought it was a good idea so MariAnn took the first round here.  On Thursday Garrett and Bethany came to sleep over and Jaxon came to play while MariAnn and Dave cleaned their rental house for new tenants.

We went to a nearby park and had a blast there.

And my favorite picture with all of them in it.....

When we got home they played the wii and watched a movie.  It was a lot of fun for all of them and I hope to be able to do it again.  Maybe be daring enough and have all the cousins like Aunt Bec did!

1 comment:

  1. What cute pictures!! I'm boring compared to you!! =) The last one is my favorite too. They'll be getting a HUGE cousin slumber party before we know it!
