Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First big snow fall of the season

Friday night it snowed a ton.  When we woke up Saturday morning, Darin and I knew we would have to shovel but wanted to have Tanner help.  I asked Savannah if she wanted to stay inside and take care of Micah or if she wanted to go outside and help shovel the snow and watch Spencer.  Surprisingly, she chose to go outside!  So while Darin, Tanner, Savannah and Spencer were all outside in the cold working hard, Micah and I were nice and warm watching them work hard and putting away Halloween decorations the rest of the way.  I was tempted to pull out Christmas decorations.

Spencer loves to help out with everything so he was really loving to shovel all the snow.  Once all the snow was off the sidewalks/driveway he thought he had to go onto the grass and shovel the snow back onto the sidewalks!

Savannah was doing a great job of watching Spencer and shoveling.  She would brush his bum off when he fell and she helped keep his gloves on and clear of snow.

Darin and Tanner did a great job also.  I do have to admit that I am glad I didn't have to shovel because my back would have hated me afterwards but I really do like being out in the snow.

When they came back in I had hot cocoa ready for them to warm them up!  Spencer is excited to shovel again.  I wonder what Savannah will choose next time.


  1. Your backyard looks great with all that snow! Good for everyone helping out with shoveling. Though we had quite a bit of snow, I don't think anyone got a shovel out. I didn't!

  2. I LOVE SNOW!!! I hate that we are in an area that seems to get skipped every time!! =/ So pretty!! And so cute that everyone was helping!
