Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Are we still alive?

So.. it has been a long time.  I just haven't had the desire to keep this updated, don't know why.  But today I feel like I want to try again.  So here I am thinking if I should make a short post for all the pictures we have or to just start from today and forget about all the fun pictures and stories of the past 1 1/2 years.  Maybe just pictures for this year, for get about all of last year..

I will tell you a little summary of what happened last year.  Then start post from the summer time of this year.

  Darin pretty much nothing changed.  He is still working at Namify but he has moved into a different position.  He loves to update his blog ( http://findingthewrongwords.blogspot.com/ ) which is always a good/fun read!

  Elisabeth lost around 70 lbs and kept it off until she got pregnant in Sept of 2011.   She is now trying to lose the last 20 lbs she gained back while pregnant, but it has only been 2 months since Micah was born. 

  Tanner is now 10 and just started 5th grade.  He is growing taller every day and now has the same shoe size as his mom.  Elisabeth has big feet for a girl.  We are guessing that with in a year or 2 he will be taller then Elisabeth.  For sure Grandma Paulsen with in a year!  Tanner has 2 rats, Skitty and Skatt.  He loves playing on the computer, wii, or his ds.  His baseball team made it to the playoffs this year but sadly didn't make it past the first round. 

  Savannah is now 7 and just started 2nd grade.  She is in Spanish classes still and knows a lot more then me.  She understands a lot more then she can speak, but she is getting it.  She is still mistaken for someone much older then she is.  I was just asked the other day how far apart Tanner and Savannah were because the person asking thought that they were really close in age, like 10 months apart!  No No No!  She is 3 years younger then Tanner just super tall for her age :)  The person who asked said "so how is it having 2 kids less then a year apart in age?"  I then said "what??  what do you mean?  Most of my kids are at least 3 years apart from one another".  She loves to be outside playing with her friends or with her Littlest Pet Shops.

  Spencer is now 3.  He could of started preschool this year but I didn't think he was ready.  He is a very independent child and hard for Darin and I to understand some times.  We love him to pieces though and he makes us laugh on a daily basis.  He was potty trained (except at night), moved into a big boy bed and a new room back in January 2011.  He also stopped using a binkie in Feb 2011.  He talks a lot now.   He loves his baby brother and is very helpful and protective of him.  

Here is a picture that was taken in June of 2011

We had fun the last 1 1/2 years.  I just don't want to blog about everything or else I am afraid I will get annoyed/board with the blog again and not update it for another year n' a half :)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you... man, I'm impressed with all the posts you DID DO!! WOW! Good, quick, catch up. Yay! Another blog to stalk!
